Properties of Integers

Basic Concept

Properties of integers:

1. Closure property

The operation of addition, subtraction and multiplication on integers will resulting an integers as well.

If a, b and c are integers, so the result of a + b × c is integers as well.

a + b × c ∈ Z


2. Commutative property of addition and multiplication

a + b = b + a

a × b = b × a


3. Associative property of addition and multiplication

(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

(a × b) × c = a × (b × c)


4. Distributive property

a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c)

a × (b − c) = (a × b) − (a × c)


5. Identity property

a + 0 = a

a × 1 = a

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