Operation of Integers
A. Basic Operation
1. Addition
(+) + (+) = (+)
(+) + (−) = (+) atau (−)
(−) + (+) = (+) atau (−)
(−) + (−) = (−)
2. Subtraction
(+) − (+) = (+) atau (−)
(+) − (−) = (+)
(−) − (+) = (−)
(−) − (−) = (+) atau (−)
3. Multiplication
(+) × (+) = (+)
(+) × (−) = (−)
(−) × (+) = (−)
(−) × (−) = (+)
4. Division
(+) : (+) = (+)
(+) : (−) = (−)
(−) : (+) = (−)
(−) : (−) = (+)
5. Exponent
\((+)^a = (+)\)
\((−)^a = (+)\) if a is even number
\((−)^a = (−)\) if a is odd number
B. Mixed Operation
Mixed operation on integers are solved according to the priority below:
1. Operation in parentheses
2. Operation in exponent
3. Operation of multiplication and division from left to right
4. Operation of addition and subtraction from left to right